Universal Serial Interface for Amstrad CPC ΙΙ (a.k.a. USIfAC II), is an evolution of a previous Design, based on a modern powerful 18F47Q10@64Mhz 8bit PIC microcontroller:
It can now offers many new amazing features:
- Serial port speeds of up to 1.065.000bps!
- AMSDOS and PARADOS ROM emulation,
- 765 Floppy Disk Controller emulation,
- Use a Usb storage device, or connect to a PC through serial cable/bluetooth module/ WiFi module!
- Many RSX commands that offer full access to PC’s HDD or usb stick, for change/create/delete directories and load/save/delete programs/games even Ascii files!
- Incredible loading speeds of up to ~30kb/sec (6-7 times faster than a real disk drive)!
- Full read/write access to DSK images of both AMSODS and PARADOS formats!
- Access up to four DSK images and choose them "on the fly",to support all multi-image Games!
- Load .SNA snapshot files!
- Extra RSX commands to copy files from/to floppy disks, transfer DSK images to floppy disks, backup floppy disks to dsk image files, and quick Format disks.
- 1kb EEPROM for use as extra memory or for storing/executing your own routines.
- Includes 3 classic games, GALACHIP, PACMAN and KILLER GORILLA!
- Equipped with a reset button and a Pause switch for Amstrad CPC!
You can also check this small demonstration video:
Anyone interested, please contact at: ikonsgr745@hotmail.com